Learn More About Preserving
Your North Carolina Legacy
Learn how to avoid five major estate planning mistakes. Read more about common errors, from DIY wills to overlooked details, and discover expert tips designed to help you make sure you don’t fall victim to the same mistakes.
Selecting a Health Care Power of Attorney is an important part of your estate plan. Your HCPOA makes critical medical decisions when you're unable. We offer eight key questions to help you identify the best person for this role.
Discover the importance of including digital assets in your estate plan with Legacy Law Firm. Learn actionable steps that Gaston and Lincoln County residents can take to manage digital assets effectively and protect their digital legacies. Don’t let your digital assets get lost forever - contact Legacy Law Firm today.
If you don’t plan for your incapacity or disability, the court will choose who should make decisions on your behalf. However, the court might not appoint the person who you would want to make decisions for you.
For someone to act on your behalf, they must formally be granted authority, typically through the use of a Durable Power of Attorney. Read about what a Durable Power of Attorney is and why you need one in your North Carolina estate plan.
Life is constantly changing, and you need to ensure that your estate plan changes with you. While it’s a good rule of thumb to review your estate plan every 3-5 years, significant changes in your personal or financial circumstances should also prompt a review.
If you have a blended family, a long-term partner, stepchildren, or have a family that differs in any way from the “traditional” family dynamic, you need a customized estate plan. Otherwise, you could end up with an estate plan that leaves out some of your loved ones.
According to a recent survey, nearly 60% of Americans don't have a will. This is often due to common myths and misconceptions about estate planning. In this post, we'll debunk common myths and explain why estate planning is important for everyone, regardless of age or wealth.
Have you ever started researching estate planning, only to get bogged down by legalese? We break down some of the most common estate planning terms you might encounter.
I’ve been appointed as a Trustee. What are my duties? It is important to know what your responsibilities are as a Trustee so that you do not incur liability for any of your actions.